Our clients find us, and we find them the skilled technicians they need to support their in-house talent. But where can you find FlexTrades online?

The easy answer is, “Everywhere.” We’re on virtually every social media platform you can think of, so here’s a handy guide to help you catch us on your platform of choice.

We share new content daily and it will always educate, inform, or entertain you. Whether you’re looking to know more about FlexTrades and how we support manufacturing, understand the reasons why our technicians choose to work with us, learn ways we can help you advocate for the skilled trades, or you just want to see funny memes – we’ve got a blog, video, or post for you!

Check us out the next time you’re idly scrolling. We promise you’ll see what we mean! And, as always, be sure to follow, like, subscribe, and share!