While PMG chooses a charitable organization each quarter to donate either time or money to, the fourth quarter initiative felt extra special this year.  It could simply be that it is the holiday season and everyone seems a little more generous this time of year.  Maybe, as a mom, I can empathize with the struggle so many parents face.  Perhaps, it’s that FamilyWise provided us with the names and ages of each family member we adopted, and we got to know them a little bit by viewing their wish list and seeing what they wanted under their Christmas tree.

With the generosity of PMG employees and an incredibly generous anonymous donor, we raised over $3,300 in donated gifts and financial donations.  We purchased EVERYTHING our 19 family members asked for and donated $767 to FamilyWise to help other families in need of assistance this time of year.


This season, FamilyWise sponsored 150 families in their Adopt-a-Family program – a total of 600 individuals benefited!

We are so grateful that we were able to bless our three adopted families with gifts this holiday season.

Happy Holidays to each and every one of you!

To learn more about FamilyWise, visit their website at http://familywiseservices.org/

Beth Bangtson, HR Manager