October 16, is about celebrating the bosses and leaders in our lives. Since this day lands on a Sunday, take one of these ideas below to help your boss feel appreciated Monday.

  1. Buy a card & write your boss some kind words of appreciation.
  2. Bring your boss a coffee, or send a gift card.
  3. Order your boss their favorite lunch.
  4. Send your boss a meaningful gift that suits their tastes.
  5. Offer your boss a simple “Thank you”. It can go a long way!

We hope you can gloat about your bosses the way our FlexTrades team does!

“—— has been hands down one of the best bosses I have ever worked with. From day 1 as a new employee, not only did he believe in me but showed me the how and why we do things certain ways. He is a very supportive and easy to follow leader who always supports us, and I greatly appreciate working for him. Happy National Boss’s Day to all the leaders out there!” 


“My boss continually sets me up for success day in and day out. She encourages me and continues to offer me opportunities to grow professionally.”


“She is a fantastic mentor and leader. Her knowledge in technology stacks is unmatched and she brings a wealth of knowledge from her past industry experience. I’m thrilled to be working directly with her to bring FlexTrades to new heights!”


“She was instrumental in sparking a curiosity and interest in manufacturing and skilled trades more generally for me. She has always been more than willing to share her wealth of knowledge and effortlessly conveys complex ideas to people who have no background in manufacturing. If not for her – I am not sure I would be where I am today without FlexTrades.” 


“He has played a large role in my professional development since joining the team. I am very grateful for the ways he has helped me progress with the company, meet my own professional goals, and gain experiences that I never even expected to be a part of my role with FlexTrades” 


“After eight years with the company I have several bosses from project managers on up. Some that have really helped me out along the way and helped guide me to where I am today. I would like to give them all a big shout out to say Thank You and that I am grateful for all the guidance along the way.” 


“She was always there to answer my questions or point me in the direction of someone with the answer. She is always ready to solve a problem and find a solution within means that accompanies everyone in the company. I am thankful to have had her as a supervisor and colleague.”


she has given me so much information and insight to move me forward in recruiting. She is a boss who gives her team the time to learn the process, dispute any underlying concerns, and make you the best version of yourself.” 


“Bosses aren’t always leaders and leaders aren’t always bosses. It’s great when the two things come together though and that takes just the right person. Someone who, no matter their hierarchy or tenure at a company, is always willing to learn from others, ask the questions so they can learn, and is open to feedback, as well. Someone who reflects on the positives and negatives, is always looking for ways to improve, and is not complacent with what’s in place because it’s “good enough and it works”. 


“I had a manager (I think the term boss has a negative connotation these days) who was all that and more. My manager respected me, motivated me, allowed space for me, and is really the one person (besides myself) who brought me to the level I’m at today. I’ll forever be grateful for the mentorship, patience, encouragement, and friendship this manager gave and gives to me.” 


“He has been a great leader and I’ve been very appreciative of all I’ve learned from him during my time at Flextrades. Thank you for all you continue to do!” 


“She leads by example as well as by dictation. She is always tough, but extremely fair in decisions.  I don’t know if I have worked with anyone else under her who is not influenced/motivated by her.” 


“He’s been a good boss to work for, I’ve had no issues with him. He works through problems with us and is good on the follow up. He stays positive overall and is pleasant to work for. He takes time to put together numbers for us to review and everything is always accurate. He’s a good motivator and keeps us going in the right direction.” 


“She has been an amazing leader! She truly cares about everyone and wants the best for everyone she meets. She is kind, understanding, and patient. She wants everyone to be the best at what they do and helps in any way she can to see them succeed! Thank you for being an amazing boss and all-around good person!” 


“She is exactly the type of boss I’d dream up if it wasn’t already my reality! She’s kind, appreciative, gentle with her constructive criticism (but knows how to get her point across at the same time), knows how important professional growth is and is supportive of who I want to become. She’s compassionate, understands the inner workings of a working mom, and frequently checks in to just see how things are going – both professionally and personally. On National Boss’s Day, I hope she knows how lucky I am to get to work for her, because it’s definitely not something I take for granted!” 


“I appreciate my bosses for the kindness and transparency. A long with teaching me new skills to empower me each day.” 


My boss has provided an opportunity that allows me the autonomy and flexibility to structure my day, while also knowing that I am supported as much as I need at the same time. I appreciate the trust that is shown and that I have in them as well!”